How do we become good parents?

Let’s learn a little about children’s developing brain.

For the first six years of life, children do not express the quality of consciousness associated with alpha, beta, and gamma EEG activity as predominant brain states. Children’s brains primarily function below creative consciousness, just as adult brain activity drops below consciousness in sleep and during hypnosis. In their highly programmable theta state, children record vast amounts of information they need to survive in their environment, but they do not have the capacity to consciously evaluate the information while it is being downloaded. Anyone who doubts the sophistication of this downloading should think about the first time your child blurted out a curse word picked up from you. I’m sure you noted its sophistication, correct pronunciation, nuanced style, and context carrying your signature.

This ingeniously designed behavior-download system can by hypercritical parents (and I’m not talking about the occasional swear word). Most of us grew up in families where we downloaded criticism from our parents: “You don’t deserve that. You’re not good at art. You’re not smart. You’re bad. You’re a sickly child.” Most often parents don’t mean to say that their child is unlovable; they’re acting like a coach who uses negative criticism to goad his players into trying harder.

Such parental coaching efforts require that children have the consciousness to interpret the positive logic behind their parents’ negative critiques. but a child’s brain predominantly operates below consciousness (alpha waves) in the first six to seven years of life.  During those years, a child is unable to intellectually understand that verbal bards are not true; the parent’s negative assessments are downloaded as truth just as surely as bits and bytes are downloaded to the hard drive of your desktop computer. Critical parents have no idea that in their effort to help, they’re actually sentencing their child to go through life feeling unworthy.

Tomorrow we will go through some examples and a bit about my childhood. For now, here are some great FREE resources to check out!

Conscious Parenting Resources

Nature, Nurture and the Power of Love – the Biology of Conscious Parenting!

FREE First Chapter of “The Honeymoon Effect” 

How do we awaken consciousness?

The movement of awakening consciousness involves a revision of the belief of being a biological victim of biology of life. Science says that biological programming controls genetics. Whereas I believe that Consciousness rewrites genetics. The new science of epigenetics. There is work on stem cells – the cells were integrated with the environment, and one affected the other (Details in The Biology of Belief). Consciousness has an interface if in harmony in the world, resulting in healthy biology.

The more we can come together and agree to accept a basic understanding, then we can offer it to the world. Whoever is the leadership should consider that we are creating a vision that we can collectively support, then government and leadership can use that as a reference. Unifying of opinion is a very powerful  tool. If we can get some clarity on some fundamental points, it will be significant.

Click here for yesterday’s topic!

What do you think about building a greater collective field of consciousness than what exists now?

We’re at a stage of upheaval and new insights are necessary to get us through. It is a good idea for leaders in the consciousness movement to synergize their energies/networks in order to build a greater collective field. A collective story is far better than a lot of little stories. A unified voice would have more power. You may ask what practical outcomes would result from such an endeavor?

An opportunity to provide a plan or format for those in power to use as a reference point, to get us from the current state to a more viable one. An image of what might work vs. what doesn’t work. For people who are creating policy. Needs to be an singular plan rather than all the different voices. If it’s hazy and foggy that would impede the process. How would you do that? My particular piece is a recognition of a fractal character in evolution. The significance of that is profound because inherent in it is that the images repeat themselves. So if you catch a pattern at one level, it can apply to another level. We are trying to bring millions of people into a community. The significance of how 50 trillion cells live in harmony, there is a social plan that can be applied to how millions of people can live in harmony.

Want to transform your aging process?

The view of aging is undergoing a radical transformation in the Western world. With rising consciousness and extended life spans, after sixty is no longer the “go gently into the night” stage of life. With decades of quality living ahead, audacious elders now expect to live a fully engaged and exciting life.

There is shocking new science proving that DNA does not control our life span; humorists, who keep us laughing at ourselves; spiritual teachers, who emphasize the rich harvest of wisdom that we inherit in the second half of life; and social commentators, who point out the beautiful gifts of community that engaged elders can create. Alternately personal and global practices are on the forward edge of the revolution that is transforming elderhood.

Age audaciously as you live audaciously!

Want to hear more? Click here: Aging (previous post) and more to come this week 🙂

Are you curious about how your parents impacted your life?

Conscious Parenting: Parents as Genetic Engineers

Do parents matter? No doubt you’ve heard the seductive argument that once parents bestow their genes on their children, they take a back seat in their children’s lives—parents need only refrain from abusing their children, feed and clothe them, and then wait to see where their preprogrammed genes lead them. This notion allows parents to continue with their “pre-kids lives”—they can simply drop their children off at daycare and with babysitters. It’s an appealing idea for busy and/or lazy parents.

It’s also appealing for parents like me, who have biological children with radically different personalities. I used to think that my daughters are different because they inherited different sets of genes from the moment of conception—a random selection process in which their mother and I had no part. After all, I thought, they grew up in the same environment (nurture), so the reason for their differences had to be nature (genes).

The reality, I know now, is very different. Frontier science is confirming what mothers and enlightened fathers have known forever, that parents do matter, despite best-selling books that try to convince them otherwise. To quote Dr. Thomas Verny, a pioneer in the field of prenatal and perinatal psychiatry: “Findings in the peer-reviewed literature over the course of decades establish, beyond any doubt, that parents have overwhelming influence on the mental and physical attributes of the children they raise.” [Verny and Weintraub 2002]

More info all tomorrow and all this week!


Verny, T. R. and and Pamela Weintraub (2002). Pre-Parenting: Nurturing Your Child from Conception. Page 57, New York, Simon & Schuster.

How are you aware?

“Awareness” is the primary trait offered by the nervous system.  The more evolutionarily advanced an organism is, the more awarenss it possesses.  Scientists generally consider the degree of “awareness” as the primary measure of evolution.  Humanity is on the verge of a dramatic increase in our “awareness.”  We will begin to become aware that each human being is the equivalent of a “cell” in the body of of a superorganism, Humanity.  Currently, humans are fighting each other, which is the same as when cells in the body attack other cells in the body.  When body cells fight each other, in medicine, we refer to the resulting illness as representing “autoimmune disease” (translates as “self-destruction”), where the body destroys itself from within.  The survival of humanity is now threatened by the equivalent of “autoimmune disease” since humans are killing each other.  When we become aware that we are all cells in the SAME body, that evolution in our consciousness will allow humanity to heal itself and evolve. This mind evolution (The Biology of Belief) is linked in our global evolution!

What is a baby’s level of awareness and consciousness within the womb?

Nature spends a lot of effort and energy in creating a child, and it doesn’t do so randomly or just on a whim. Nature wants to ensure that a child is going to be successful in its’ life before embarking on the process of birthing that child. It’s very interesting that while a child receives genes from both its mother and father, the genes are not fully set into the position of activation until the process of development. The first eight weeks of a child’s development is called the embryo phase, and that’s just a mechanical unfolding of genes to make sure the baby has a body with two arms, two legs, two eyes, etc. The next period of life is called the fetal stage when the embryo has the human configuration. Since it’s already shaped, the question is, what will nature do to modify or adjust this human in the next number of months before it’s born? What it does is this: nature reads the environment and then adjusts the final tuning of the genetics of the child based on what’s immediately going on in the world. But then you might ask, how can nature read the environment and do this? And the answer is that the mother and the father become nature’s Head Start program. They’re the ones that are living in and experiencing the environment. Their perceptions of the world are then transmitted to the child.

In the dvd series “Happy Healthy Child: A Holistic Approach” one of the themes is the importance of women and men listening to their intuition and making parenting choices, beginning in the prenatal period, which honor inner wisdom (we discussed this yesterday – power of connecting with your own truth). Below is a “Happy Healthy Child: A Holistic Approach” trailer link 🙂

Tomorrow the discussion will be on the new brain science showing the impact of a mother’s emotional well-being on the health, intelligence, and capacity for joy for the child within her womb.

Here is the trailer link to “Happy Healthy Child: A Holistic Approach”:

Conscious parenting resources:

Continuing on consciousness….is a cell conscious?

A cell becomes “conscious” because its molecules and atoms respond to stimuli. If you put a sugar molecule in front of a cell, the cell will “respond” to the sugar molecule by moving to the sugar molecule and eating it. Then is the cell conscious? The answer is YES, because it can be “aware” of the sugar. How do I know the cell is aware or conscious of the sugar? Because the cell moves to the sugar molecule and eats it. Therefore the cell must be aware that the sugar molecule exists. By definition, the cell is “conscious” of sugar!

Thank you for your comments, enthusiasm, and work you are doing in the world. Love and light to you.

Topics covered this week:
Are there cancer genes?
How would you describe consciousness?
Does an electron have consciousness?
Is a cell conscious?

Does an electron have consciousness?

By definition, if an electron responds to something, that would mean the electron was “aware “ of that thing (Note: Yesterday’s topic was on the word consciousness). For example, an electron shooting through space will move in a straight line. However, if I place a magnet near the electron, the magnetic field will alter the path of the electron causing the electron to move in a different direction. Then was the electron “aware” of the magnetic field? The answer is YES because we can observe that the magnet’s field altered the path of the electron’s movement.

However, if I play some music as the electron is moving, the music will not affect the movement of the electron. Therefore, the electron is not responding to the music. We might say the electron is not “aware” of the music, which by definition means, the electron may not be “conscious” of the music.

In summary, we can measure the “consciousness” of something by how it responds to stimuli. Electrons respond to only a few stimuli and humans respond to millions of stimuli. The electron is only a little “conscious.” A human is millions of times more “conscious” than an electron. But, BOTH are conscious by definition.

How would you describe consciousness?

The word consciousness has many definitions, some very short and some definitions may take pages to write. I prefer to use the simple definition of the word consciousness: “having knowledge of something; being aware.” However, consciousness can also be measured in terms of “quantity.” A worm is “conscious” of its environment, a cat is conscious of its environment and a human is conscious of its environment. However, the “amount” of consciousness in a worm, a cat and a human are different. For example, the human has “more” consciousness than a worm. The smaller the object, such as molecules, atoms, and electrons, the less consciousness they have.