
Have you ever heard that between one-third and two-thirds of all healing is down to the placebo effect, not therapies, drugs or surgery? The placebo is just a sugar-pill where the patient is healed by the belief they’ll get better: positive thinking.

Now the nocebo effect is equally powerful, caused by negative thoughts. The belief you have a terminal illness can actually cause you to die, and negative thinking is much more common in our current world.
So we need other people to believe in a ‘miracle’ for it to happen. If others think something isn’t possible, we may not be able to do it, being around them.

And it’s not just your thoughts, it’s those around you. I could read your brain activity through MEG, an upgrade on EEG, which doesn’t actually touch the head – it’s reading your thoughts from outside your head. Your brain sends out vibrations all the time, and your thoughts affect your life and other people’s. They pick up these thoughts and get changed by them. That’s why, say, a pacifist gets caught up in a riot situation. It’s a field of vibrations – you can feel someone else’s thoughts when close to them.

Essentially it is about being mindful, living in the present moment. Importantly undoing the subconscious programming each of us “downloaded” during the childhood and the last trimester in our mother’s womb.

Love and light to you

16 thoughts on “Mindfulness

  1. Thank you Bruce. What in your opinion is the most effective way of ‘undoing the subconscious programming we have downloaded’? e.g. eft, positive affirmations played over and over, hypnotherapy? I have read your book and am inspired and it all makes sense and yet I am unsure how to utilise the information.

  2. I had the chance to proof on my own body, that believe systems are working very strong, but can also be changed. There is a believe running arround in my family, that we are all suffering by the same sickness ( a very strong migraine) And in fact my mother is suffering a lot by it, both my brothers, even my son, and also me, I had it for years years. And it was even effecting my job. One day, after heraring the wonderful lesson on youtube about biology of believe by Bruce Lipton, I decided to get rid of it. This is two years ago; I NEVER HAD IT AGAIN! Thank you for your wonderful teachings!

  3. Reblogged this on New Awakenings and commented:
    Our Inner Healer is much more powerful than we suspect … our thought vibrations are like boomerangs … whatever vibration we send out will return – positive or negative – and affect our health … we are ultimately in control of our thoughts … aren’t we ??

  4. Thanks so much for writing this. I always knew in my heart that i needed to heal my daughters thoughts due to the trauma that I encountered during my third trimester. Your book ” The Biology Of Belief ” also led me to the modality of PSYCH-K to help her and myself as well.
    I discussed this with my Therapist over 20 years ago and she could not wrap her head around it and just kept telling me that my daughter would learn to cope.
    Thank god the times have changed due people like yourself..
    Many blessings

  5. Thanks for reminding me of “mindfulness”. This is such a breakthrough to Our Selves, isn’t it?
    It makes me feel sad, to remember that I gave a huge burden onto my elder son, who’s 21 years old now. Nevertheless there is no way of turning the wheel back (german idiom). Now I am happy and grateful, I have had the possibility to grow along with mindfulness for some years. I am authentic with him in my love and honor and proudness and also in my regret. I am so proud and so happy to be able to see now, what a great son I have. Being mindful and raising our children in a mindful way from the beginning and leading them to live a mindful life is such a good way, maybe the best thing, we can do for them. Would love to have known this earlier.

  6. You state “Your brain sends out vibrations all the time, and your thoughts affect your life and other people’s. They pick up these thoughts and get changed by them.” Based on this perception if a fetus is part of a mother’s biology than would the mother’s thoughts influence the fetuses subconscious thought patterns?

  7. You state “Importantly undoing the subconscious programming each of us “downloaded” during the childhood and the last trimester in our mother’s womb.” Can you please elaborate or point me to where I can find university and or scientific studies on subconscious programming during the last trimester in our mother’s womb. Thank you.

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