What would you say about the possibility of controlling the formation of the blood vessels from our mind? What is the physiological and mental path and the benefit of this power?

The transformation of cells from the blood vessels in other tissues is related to signals sent by the central nervous system. The structure and behavior of the blood vessels are highly regulated by the body so that the cardiovascular system can provide fresh oxygenated blood to tissues based upon their “needs.” If you are running away from a leopard you need blood to nourish your arms and legs as they run away from the threat, and when you have eaten dinner, you need blood in the gut to nourish the processes used for digestion. The point: different behaviors require different blood flow patterns. The body’s blood flow pattern is regulated by the brain that interprets the body’s needs and then sends signals to the blood vessels to control the function and genetics of the cells lining the blood vessel.
Blood serves as the provider of both the body’s nutrition and of the immune system. The blood vessels have different behavioral characters when they are involved with nutrition function (growth) or when they are engaged in an inflammation response (protection).
The functional and structural status of the blood vessel is based upon the body’s needs. The mind is the primary director of the body’s needs, so thoughts and beliefs acting through the nervous system directly results in the release of neurochemicals that influence the genetics and behavior of the blood vessels. Consequently, our mind can enhance our health by properly regulating vascular activity and can just as easily sabotage our health if the mind sends inappropriate regulatory signals to the body’s systems

8 thoughts on “What would you say about the possibility of controlling the formation of the blood vessels from our mind? What is the physiological and mental path and the benefit of this power?

  1. The need to ensure parasympathetic and sympathetic balance in the nervous system is larger than ever.

    Bruce you said it so well. How many folks are out there chased by tigers – even when “relaxing”

    Our life style must change. Living with love and compassion is our new revolution. Enough chasing imagined tigers Enough being chased

  2. I sense that the the flow pattern and regulation is still done through the body-mind not necessarily through the brain as a meditator, I can focus on my liver and regulate its blood flow. Do you have scientific observations that the regulatory in our body is the brain itself?

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